我感觉比较具体了。特别搞笑的是这一句:“很多人在讲口语的时候,讲着讲着,眼就开始向上翻" // 顺便考考你:what is a book? (pls not refer to a dictionary)my answer is: a book is some complied paper to carry some information. :D
Book is an "old-fashion" medium that carries information for people to read by eyes...:) 我发现用眼睛看书和用耳朵听书(BOOK ON TAPE)非常不同, 看和听直接影响大脑行为...
It's so interesting to observe you gals discussing English learning. A question for you:how can an older guy improve his spoken English in a more effectively way? I have a sense of language but still couldn’t speak as well as desired.
The way I speak often seen as too formal. Hurricane Lily may bring huge economic impact to Louisiana would be my way to put it. While the Reporter said that it is still difficult to say how the dollar figure would be.
Using right expressions and phrases may help speed up. I didn’t know the phrase “Buzz up” until a colleague asked me if I buzzed up while I was waiting to get into the office building through intercom.
what 's meaning of "buzz up"? Thanks.
In this context, it means 你按铃叫楼上的人开门了么。
举个例子, 有天看报纸头条说BUSH SET OFF FOR LATIN AMERICA...我们刚好出门去书店, 我说LET US SET OFF FOR THE BOOKSTORE. 这里SET OFF就用错了场合, 有点中文, 让我们"整装待发"去...书店...大词小用了
Yep. Idiom often plays a big role in spoken English. Once I was running late for a meeting and called to inform the other party. They asked, “What is your E.T.A?” Your estimated time of arrival!
welcome to join the discussion, but i am not gal:(
Your lovely name sounds like a beautiful girl!
faint! if i change it to "石头,北风,生活“......
Oh, No! Keep that girlish name. It’s nice!
Started learning English when I was 22 after higher education resumed. It helped reading aloud half an hour every day during my under graduate studies.
There are lots of them. You have to find one that you like...I usually go to fishing bbs (for my father), travel bbs and some other more philosophical discussion...
go to http://www.ccsu.net 一些本地人在教英语!