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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 加国大学 / Western / 站队,闺女Ivey +1
    • gx. +2
    • 闺女,也是Ivey。 +3
    • 这么少的人????
      • My daughter is in Schulich Medical and dentistry. +1
        • 优秀女儿
    • 站队,儿子,今年9月Medical Sciences。 +2
    • 排上吧,闺女,Medical Sciences马上二年级。 +1
      • 一?一模一样啊。握手
    • 你家闺女大几了? +1
    • 站。有微信群没? +1
      • 好久不见!想不到绒绒已经上大学了!
      • 同问,有ivey微信群吗
        • 同问ivey微信群
        • 微信群有太多的安全隐患,比如说,你不知道都是谁在实时动态监控你自以为小圈子的发言。

          • 老大,其实有个房东网可以借鉴,他自己建群,把群里的有益文章贴上来。 滑大的一个群好像一个月吸收了3000人,6个群。与其别人建,不如rolia自己建。现在有群机器人管理。
            • Thanks for the suggestion. Actually Rolia can be used on cellphones conveniently. There're members repost articles that they saw in WeChat groups.
              It's not so likely that we'll create a separate WeChat group, since users can easily access Rolia from cellphone. Security is a bigger concern. WeChat can be abused badly by anyone who have insider connections with that company. We don't want to put our users at risk.
    • 女儿,medical science +1
    • 请教,如果没有AEO,还值不值得读Western,进IVEY的可能性有多大?那儿考85分有多难?
      • 看专业吧。
        • BMOS怎么样啊,有了解的吗?比如没进IVEY的就业率。