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If you have TN letter (job offer), you will apply TN at border in case you have Canada Passport; Your husband should still hold Chinese passport, so he should apply TD in US Embassy.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 请问:去border申请TN,我是公民,老公只有枫叶卡,无美国签证,我们可以一起申请TN吗?谢谢!
    • both of you have the letter from the company/lawyer, yes both TN. If only one has letter, then 1 TN, 1 TD.
      • 多谢扫盲。我对TN一无所知。
        • 去工作的是TN,随军家属是TD。
          • ha
    • If you have TN letter (job offer), you will apply TN at border in case you have Canada Passport; Your husband should still hold Chinese passport, so he should apply TD in US Embassy.
      • so he can't go to the border with me? I was thinking to apply visa together, so it is easier for him. If we are rejected, then we both stay in Canada. It is disappointing, but thanks!
        • 入境时拿的是status,不是签证。加拿大公民不要签证,但中国公民需要,要到美国使馆区申请签证。我认为你需要先拿到TN,他再去使馆申请TD。可以先预约。
          • "曾经曰过"说可以填I-539来申请TD.
            • no. I-539是用来在境内调整身份,不能在境外使用。LZ配偶如果已经有b1/b2签证,可以选择在lz在border申请TN是以b2入境,然后再用i-539调整成TD。
              • 请问:H1B Holder的配偶持b2入境,可以在境内用i-539调整成H4吗?谢谢!
                • 可以。
              • 已经是TD了,不能用I-539renew吗?