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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这是我5年前求学时发生的事了。求学和投诉都是第一次canadian experience. 先说一下背景,我当时每天在一家小公司上下午班,觉得上午时间挺浪费,于是报了本地college的一个full-time一年的跟工作本身有关的课程,主要目的是加强英语,心想顺便拿个证书也不赖,再者也想见识一下这边的学校生活,一把年纪再回炉学校,说不兴奋是假的。没想到,课上了不到一个月,就被主课老师英格丽雷倒了。这是个对口语要求较高的课程,对ESL学生本生就是个挑战,可专业本身入学门槛并不高,只考了个英语笔试(题外说一句,现在看来这里面是有点学校的问题,至少应该加试口试,在入学前应该先设点障碍,专业上叫“set up right expectation”, 让我们也好有点准备,先有个明知山有虎,偏向虎山行的状态,日后也不会有那么多surprise了。)反正在这课程的介绍课上老师是把这个课夸成了一朵花,“2个学期的专业培训再加上第3学期有很多知名大单位会来要实习生”之类,谁说orientation老师不是托呢?不知道有多少人是听了介绍课后决心报名交钱的。虽然当时听得也是热血沸腾,对我倒也不能说是一时冲动,其实自己当时目的是比较明确的,就是希望通过一些系统的培训,能让E文有些突破(现在看来还是幼稚啊),不要让俺虚度了早上的光阴就成,至于我能不能揪住什么机会的尾巴,进什么大公司实习,在我看来也只能是谋事在人,成事在天,我反正一向抱着“未来的事谁能知道我只要尽了力就好”的态度,当然期间一直没中断网上更新简历。第一天上学一进门,一看班上加我一共才四个中国人,六七个南亚印度巴基斯坦之类虽然口音重,但英文都比我们流利地多,其余全是本地人,交谈了几句,感到了口语的力不从心,有点气馁,好在知道马上安慰自己“我不就是因为口语差才要来提高嘛,口语好我还用得着坐这嘛。”典型的阿Q。

第一堂课英格丽让挨个先介绍自己,在听到一个斯里兰卡MM浓重的口音后,她表情严肃,但还是咽了下口水,冠冕堂皇地象征性地讲了下“accent不是大问题,表达清楚最重要….”这句漂亮话在刚来上LINC班就听过若干次,俺们每次听都很受用,也很受鼓舞。但不知为什么当时听到她讲这句时,我们的反应就是“坏了,这个accent在这看来一定是个大问题”。不是偶们疑神疑鬼,她的语气,肢体语言都让大家开始忐忑不安。这个专业的三门主课全是英格丽一人教,接下来的三天里每一堂课我们不间断地听到她说“有些ESL学生读这个是这样的,有些ESL学生是那样的。。blah blah blah..” 到第5天上课她已经对我们这些口音学生明显地开始不耐烦,居然不客气地对一个学生说“I don’t think you can find a job”之类。我们这些口音学生大部分都是些老家伙了,活了这把年纪被人这样single out出来,感到的不光是下马威和难堪,看问题的现实让失望和绝望也接踵而来。第一周结束一个中国MM先选择了drop,拿回了学费。第二个中国老大哥在第二月快结束的时候,忍无可忍,选择了退学,说宁愿选择损失学费也不愿继续受气了,还有一二个南亚口音学生也不见了影。部分ESL学生已明显感觉被老师fail掉是板凳上订钉的事了。那时我们才了解到上一个秋季入学这个专业的六七个中国学生居然全军覆没,一学期的学费打水漂,全部被fail, 有些就此打工去了,有二三个不得已转入其它专业重新开始。杀手正是此英格丽。剩下的另一个中国同学开始犹豫,也想尽早转去其他专业算了,问我“我们怎么办?”,我虽也感到了形势的严峻,但当时每次作业小考俺俩都还能捞个及格以上75以下之类的,一来对英格丽还存有幻想,毕竟才2月,自己曾为人师过,总觉得既为得人师,基本的职业操守和为人准则她还是应该有的,只是尽量把她往严厉的老师方向想(后来知道这只是我的一相情愿);二来我人生经历中好象还没有自己先打退堂鼓的先例,心想就此让我浪费掉2个月的时间和1800的学费让我drop掉我可不干,我说“当然是继续!”于是有了后面的斗争经历。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我的complain经历(一)
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这是我5年前求学时发生的事了。求学和投诉都是第一次canadian experience. 先说一下背景,我当时每天在一家小公司上下午班,觉得上午时间挺浪费,于是报了本地college的一个full-time一年的跟工作本身有关的课程,主要目的是加强英语,心想顺便拿个证书也不赖,再者也想见识一下这边的学校生活,一把年纪再回炉学校,说不兴奋是假的。没想到,课上了不到一个月,就被主课老师英格丽雷倒了。这是个对口语要求较高的课程,对ESL学生本生就是个挑战,可专业本身入学门槛并不高,只考了个英语笔试(题外说一句,现在看来这里面是有点学校的问题,至少应该加试口试,在入学前应该先设点障碍,专业上叫“set up right expectation”, 让我们也好有点准备,先有个明知山有虎,偏向虎山行的状态,日后也不会有那么多surprise了。)反正在这课程的介绍课上老师是把这个课夸成了一朵花,“2个学期的专业培训再加上第3学期有很多知名大单位会来要实习生”之类,谁说orientation老师不是托呢?不知道有多少人是听了介绍课后决心报名交钱的。虽然当时听得也是热血沸腾,对我倒也不能说是一时冲动,其实自己当时目的是比较明确的,就是希望通过一些系统的培训,能让E文有些突破(现在看来还是幼稚啊),不要让俺虚度了早上的光阴就成,至于我能不能揪住什么机会的尾巴,进什么大公司实习,在我看来也只能是谋事在人,成事在天,我反正一向抱着“未来的事谁能知道我只要尽了力就好”的态度,当然期间一直没中断网上更新简历。第一天上学一进门,一看班上加我一共才四个中国人,六七个南亚印度巴基斯坦之类虽然口音重,但英文都比我们流利地多,其余全是本地人,交谈了几句,感到了口语的力不从心,有点气馁,好在知道马上安慰自己“我不就是因为口语差才要来提高嘛,口语好我还用得着坐这嘛。”典型的阿Q。

    第一堂课英格丽让挨个先介绍自己,在听到一个斯里兰卡MM浓重的口音后,她表情严肃,但还是咽了下口水,冠冕堂皇地象征性地讲了下“accent不是大问题,表达清楚最重要….”这句漂亮话在刚来上LINC班就听过若干次,俺们每次听都很受用,也很受鼓舞。但不知为什么当时听到她讲这句时,我们的反应就是“坏了,这个accent在这看来一定是个大问题”。不是偶们疑神疑鬼,她的语气,肢体语言都让大家开始忐忑不安。这个专业的三门主课全是英格丽一人教,接下来的三天里每一堂课我们不间断地听到她说“有些ESL学生读这个是这样的,有些ESL学生是那样的。。blah blah blah..” 到第5天上课她已经对我们这些口音学生明显地开始不耐烦,居然不客气地对一个学生说“I don’t think you can find a job”之类。我们这些口音学生大部分都是些老家伙了,活了这把年纪被人这样single out出来,感到的不光是下马威和难堪,看问题的现实让失望和绝望也接踵而来。第一周结束一个中国MM先选择了drop,拿回了学费。第二个中国老大哥在第二月快结束的时候,忍无可忍,选择了退学,说宁愿选择损失学费也不愿继续受气了,还有一二个南亚口音学生也不见了影。部分ESL学生已明显感觉被老师fail掉是板凳上订钉的事了。那时我们才了解到上一个秋季入学这个专业的六七个中国学生居然全军覆没,一学期的学费打水漂,全部被fail, 有些就此打工去了,有二三个不得已转入其它专业重新开始。杀手正是此英格丽。剩下的另一个中国同学开始犹豫,也想尽早转去其他专业算了,问我“我们怎么办?”,我虽也感到了形势的严峻,但当时每次作业小考俺俩都还能捞个及格以上75以下之类的,一来对英格丽还存有幻想,毕竟才2月,自己曾为人师过,总觉得既为得人师,基本的职业操守和为人准则她还是应该有的,只是尽量把她往严厉的老师方向想(后来知道这只是我的一相情愿);二来我人生经历中好象还没有自己先打退堂鼓的先例,心想就此让我浪费掉2个月的时间和1800的学费让我drop掉我可不干,我说“当然是继续!”于是有了后面的斗争经历。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • continue!
      • 顶一下,写的很好,值得参考
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    • 我的complain经历(二)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛一月入的学,全职读书全职上班对我是个极大的挑战,每天早上7点起床赶去学校上8点的课,到下午2点多课程结束再急冲冲地赶去公司,晚上11点半回到家再做功课。遇上一次2月份大雪,上完课去parking lot才发现急匆匆忘了关车灯,5个小时电池耗尽,偶在大雪中等CAA近1小时,真是个人滋味辛酸…..唉,又是一个“加拿大经验”,不提也罢。第二个TERM开始,英格丽似乎开始肆无忌惮,终于让我相信之前一些冠冕堂皇的话都是她的伪装。童话和幻想开始破灭,难的不是体力精力,痛苦的是自己的目标给人打碎。首先我不能容忍的是她竟然开始上课迟到,有时迟到达半小时之久,有时2小时的课她只安排讲半小时,剩下时间自己自习,她说她做“课堂答疑”,结果自然是所有学生立马收书包回家,她5分钟后也回家。那可是主课, 我交了钱可不是就让她来给我课堂答疑的。Lab课交180大洋买的耳机一共只用了几次,每次没用上10分钟,好几次她丢下我们“自己互相练习”,课程结束10分钟前才再出现。怒火开始胸中烧,我实在无法容忍这种不付责任。5月时,班上开始人心惶惶,一来知道各大公司会很快来人招下学期的实习生,但这次名额并不多,僧多粥少不说,面试会完全按照正式招工进行,有些需要二轮面试;二来英格丽的final测试很快就来,我们越发感到了得D的机会再逐日加大,这门课因为是口试,完全是她主观给分,没有任何纸上客观分数可以参考(大家都知道那可是咱们国人的强项)。这也正是她有能力废掉我们全部的原因,真正地所谓“说你行你就行,说你不行你就不行!”如果被废掉,是无法拿到证书的,实习的机会就更不用提了,几个ESL学生开始每天愁眉苦脸。正这期间,发生了一件事。

      这门课的作业是要交tape的, 咱有自知之明,咱知道咱的分数不能跟被人比,咱跟自己比,我自认为作业一次比一次认真,第三次作业还专门请一个本地西人朋友给了很多意见反复录音修改不下10次交上去的,可成绩还是从刚入学第1次随意录的75分降到了现在的62。只有一个ESL同学得了69, 其他都在60边缘,另外4个不及格。我想不通,明显感到她在有意为后面fail掉我们做准备了。心在往下掉,怒火在头顶烧,下课马上走上讲台跟她理论。我问“老师,我能不能知道为什么我这次成绩会这么差,怎么会学了4个月咱录的音比刚进学校那会还差咧,这份作业我还专门请人帮我纠正了发音…..” 我话没说完,被她粗鲁地打断“who is the teacher?!” 正错鄂之间,她居然又傲慢地甩出一句“If you are unsatisfied with the mark, you can talk with the chair” 哎呀呀,这可真是一语惊醒梦中人。我当时给气了个7窍生烟,回了句“okay, I won’t talk with you anymore, I will let someone talk with you!” 就此痛下了决心,要揭竿而起了!

      从来不打无准备之仗。准备一:我先联系班上所有的ESL学生,私下告之我准备投诉,请他们加入。这里我没有联系任何本地学生,一来他们体会不到我们的切肤之痛,二来也担心人多口杂,有些就是这里的年轻小混混,对什么都报着无所谓的态度,我可不想还没开战就先传到英格丽耳朵里。当下我知道除了我们2个中国人,还有5个ESL会加入签名。准备二:我听说秋季入学的中国学生曾经就他们全军覆没的遭遇给系里发过complain信,但不了了之,我跟其中一个女生通上了话,拿到了他们的投诉信。咱没开战得先分析前辈失败原因:一,他们是在拿到final成绩D之后才投诉,板上订钉,成绩都出了还怎么能改?出了成绩的报告再改回去那可是挑战制度,难度等于上清天。二,投诉的对象搞错。他们的信里投诉整个专业,认为系里招ESL学生就是误导,既然对语言要求这么高,为什么轻而易举就把我们招了来云云。我认为投诉整个专业一开始就注定了失败,挑战对象太大太广,我不投诉专业,这个专业让没让我学到东西另当别论,我看到的就是你的偏见和不付责任,最重要的是,是你会让我们fail, 我就投诉你------英格丽!

      投诉时距离英格丽要考的那门主课的final还有整整2周时间。时间紧迫,我知道必须抢在开考前投诉。花了整整一个周末在家写了5页纸的投诉,我没有把底稿发给班上任何同学,不想事件没开始就先lose control,主要还是不确定最后到底有多少人能签名参与。只是通知他们周一上午课间集合,有重大行动。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 偶猜偶就是那个女生吧! 你的complaint letter 写得非常好, 偶直叫PFPF.
        • 惭愧惭愧,当时还真是非常非常感谢你,提供了你们宝贵的斗争经验.对敌人知道的越多,对自己把握也会越大.我多希望当时你们要是投诉成功,我们这届也不会再受她遭殃了.我们的结果最终是下一届受了益.
          • 唉, 当初偶单打独斗啊, 主要新移民牺牲不起这个时间, 大家都逃了, 也是可以理解的. 偶后来斗志全无, 把自己fail的成绩叫chair改成D, 偶就算了. 巧的是, 偶坐在今年的CMA EE 考场上的时候, 看见当年被废的另一"老中", 她后来去读UT的business了...
            很高兴 Ingrid 被你们这届"废"了. 还有啊, 那个Chair 也不是"好"东西...
      • 真是太辛苦啦...谁在国外都不好过啊~
    • 沙发. 巧了, 我都知道你说的谁了. 是不是centennial 的 call center 啊? 偶也complain 过一个叫 Ingrid 的老师. 还有啊, 偶以前也为人师表过....握手!
    • 支持,期待下文!
    • 等不及了。。。
    • 我的complain经历(三)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛周一早上的课是偶上的最心不在焉的一次,英格丽哪里知道我心坏鬼胎,在密谋闹事。2小时的课她又1小时结束了,她夹着包走人,我正好召集所有ESL学生集中,开始传阅投诉信,让我高兴的是,其他六个同学全部签字了!这里还要说的是,前一天我将此事告诉了那个退学的老大哥,他也专门回来加入了我们投诉阵营。事不易迟,我们决定马上要求见管这个专业的chairperson。这里还要再次感谢楼上的“小快”,通过她我知道上届投诉就是这个chair直接handle的,结果不了了之,他私下是不是护着英格丽我不评论,但绝对是对待上次投诉“无作为”。但是,走程序,第一关投诉,大家认为还是得应该先找他。这次作不作为不知道,但得先给他个机会。大家已经做了要打硬仗的准备。


      这时不知道谁说,“我们不能等,等不到chair回来我们说不定已经被废了,我们应该现在去见dean”(现在想想,真是英明的提议啊)。说实话,当时对是不是当时马上见dean,我心理还没准备,唯一想法就是不能让纠集到8个人一起上的机会错过了,马上同意了这个建议。一拨人又浩浩荡荡开去系里。先跟前台秘书大姐核实,chair确实去了NYC,告诉她,我们不能等,也等不到chair回来,我们必须马上见DEAN。 她大概意识到事态严重,马上进去通告,出来说,dean马上接见!


      接下来的周四,coordinator通知我们几个,要被chair接见。也不知道是不是当天dean就通知了在NY开会的chair. Anyway,他回来的要比预期早,开始受命调查英格丽老师行为。这其实是走过场,我们明知他不是第一次接投诉信,无非是给个机会我们说话。因为有前车之鉴,大家对他对话比较小心,明显也有保留,对话中他几次隐晦地问到谁写的信,其他同学为保护我,不吱声,最后我不耐烦,直接说是我。我心想,我倒要看看是不是你最后会把我废掉。顺便说一下,学习工作中,我其实不是个aggressive的人,也是倾向于多一事不如少一事,我老爹教育的是吃些小亏无妨大碍的态度。但我都不知道当时哪来的冲劲,咱病猫也会发个威啊,估计还是因为有7个同学在后面撑腰,加上当时对dean的印象特别好,见过dean后,偶更好象平生多了2个胆,腰竿也更直了点。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 你做得非常好!遇到不公平的事情,就是要有这样的勇气。很欣赏你的“吃些小亏无妨大碍”,但大是大非奋起出击的态度。反观有些人小事上斤斤计较,大事上缩头缩脑。。。
      • 不错,顶!
      • 顶! 后来呢?
      • 看着爽,顶一下
    • 我的complain经历(结束)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛投诉的大致经过就这样,我们该反映的都反映了,剩下的就是看系里怎么作为了。我先说说结束吧.

      接下来的课,明显感到英格丽象霜打的茄子,居然准时进课堂,准时下课,后面的课里没再敢提ESL一句。本来希望final测试系里会换老师,结果还是没有,不过最后她给的分数我自认还算公证,我和另外的中国学生70多分,另外3个也ESL都过了,大概只有一二个平时确实不认真的没过。最后的结果,我们是英格丽带的最后一届学生,下一届新同学的课表出来时,她的名字彻底消失了,主课老师换成了前american express的经理。后来听系里老师说,英格丽这次算是彻底栽在我们手上了。我和中国同学顺利通过实习面试,我们居然同时拿到三家单位的录取!她挑了家福利最好的,实习结束后凭自己努力还真给留了下来,一直干到现在。我呢,3家中偶刚挑了其中一家银行的fraud 部门的offer,又收到了中介来的电话,说是看到我在网上的简历,介绍我去另外一家银行。想想学校的offer毕竟还只是实习,中介给的那个转正机会更大,当然银两也多点,地点也好点。偶可是要为五斗米折腰的,银子多才是硬道理。俺立马回掉了学校的offer,还惹得那个coordinator很不高兴,认为我浪费了他们的名额。2年后,这个chair还打过一次电话给我,居然要我谈谈做这家学院的学生的经历,我看他是忘了我怎样写投诉信的了.


      我先把英格丽的罪状总结归纳成了四大点,每一点都上纲上线,把她日常的琐碎行为都提拔上一个高度,而且是专业的高度。她的主课里有一门是关于customer service,有一门是关于team work的,她的众多行为都违背了这两门课的基本理论。

      偶控诉的第一点,Ms. xxx didn't make full use of the class time and facilities in class. 列举了众多次她迟到早退,而且上课就让我们自习做assignment的恶行, 每次都有日期(偶先申明,因为assignment上有日期我才记下了)。最后上升的高度是:“We are strongly unsatisfied with this irresponsible teaching. We paid heavy tuition and tremendous amount of effort, not to expect to be just gathered together in a classroom to write some assignment without any more guidance, and often to be discouraged and unfairly treated”. 偶反正觉得连课时你都保证不了,还上什么课!

      第二大罪状:Ms. xxx didn’t give us a clear instruction of requirements and standards to pass course YYY. 这个YYY就是我前面说的那个主课,是关于communication skill的. 从开始她没有给过任何具体的instruction应该怎样提高, 唯一只说过“you need practice more”. 在我看来,你对课程没有设下一个客观评判标准,也没有告诉我们如何提高就是没有完成你的job duty.“When some students request her to give us a good example, she just simply ignored the request. Regarding good speech and how to speak with smile voice, although we are never clarified about her standard, we are certain that her negative tone and lacking of interest/effort to fulfill her duty do not qualify for that category. ”

      罪状三:Ms. xxx is sometimes unreasonably tough on students and always presents herself with an authoritarian attitude in the class. 俺就举了在lab的例子,lab里的钟快了6分钟。她自个迟到,却每次要求我们准时log in lab系统。我们按准确时间log in却给她判了个迟到。我们觉得不公平,她却说“The system says you are late for 30 seconds, then you are!” 我再列举一堆事实证明她不备课,有一次居然让我们在课堂上干等半小时,等她把email assignment准备好才继续。 我挑战她“Does she have the special right being late? Shouldn't she be prepared well for the class before she steps into the classroom? Why can’t she manage her time well and give us chance to learn more in the class?”接着我把我的tape事件也加在了罪状下。“We consider ourselves paid customers for the program, and we expect reasonable service – the opportunity to learn and minimum respect in return. We cannot believe that this is just the instructor of this course, which is supposed to teach us how to satisfy customers and solve conflicts. We cannot see that Ms. xxx offers required understanding and respect for all students instead of showing her power and authority in front of us.” 偶最后给她这条罪状上升的高度是“We do question her qualification as a teacher and basic respect to her profession and other people.”

      罪状四:Ms. xxx prejudges the ESL students and treats them unfairly. 这条偶写的最多,因为确实感到她对我们的偏见和歧视。针对她的经常说“ESL 这个 ESL那个”,偶反问学校“We have to ask the department: Is C college an ESL school or is this an ESL program so that she needs to mention ESL in every class? Is that the manner a qualified teacher in Canada should speak? Does the school grant Ms.XXX the right to prejudge and offend all ESL students?”偶顺便提了下在orientation上老师是怎样吸引大家进了这个专业,怎样信誓旦旦说学校老师的mission就是要support 我们,现在我们怎样从英格丽这里看到的具大反差。征对她说过的“you may not find a job”,偶可是揪住不放了,你从始至终都认为我们ESL是找不到工的,还要招我们进来干嘛,更何况找不找到工由不得你说了算!“We would assume that xxx was not taken away the opportunity to oppose enrollment of ESL students from the school. If that was not the case, we are greatly troubled with Ms. Smith’s attitude and approach to ESL students.”“All of the ESL students strongly oppose this prejudice and unfair treatment from XXX, and we demand a prompt explanation and appropriate action. ”

      “In every course guideline, regarding Human Rights, it is written that “It is the policy of the College that all programs will strive for a learning, teaching and work environment that promotes inclusion, understanding and respect for all students and employees, consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the College’s Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures.” As paid students, who spent great effort and time on and off the course to study, want an acceptable learning environment and fair treatment. We respect all faculty members, school staff, and fellow students, and we certainly request to be respected mutually as well.

      All of us are looking forward to your prompt response and an acceptable solution of our complaints. We do know that the students enrolled in last semester also filed complaint to the school, but by now they haven’t received a final solution. If we cannot obtain a responsible reply from the department, we will definitely seek help from elsewhere, such as the school board, board of education, even government, or media.
      Thank you for your valuable time and we are looking forward to your prompt action. ”
      好了,牺牲了俺一个周日写这点东西累四了,只是希望对同学们有帮助。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 顶一下,該出手时就出手。
      • good job!
      • 写的真好!做的更好!
      • 实在是,你们运气好,碰到一个新来的Dean,正好要找地方放三把火,要排除异己树立自己的威信。否则,任你letter写得再好,人再多,还是没戏。
        • 你有亲身体验吗?我在这儿也投诉过,并没有像楼主那样做很充分的准备。我是当时觉得不公平,当场提出不满,后来就很好地解决了(投诉成功)。我感觉,在这里,只要你有理,投诉时冷静,摆明事实讲清道理,多数情况下会得到公平对待。
          • 在私校,很多时侯投诉未必有效。是的,有亲身经历。当然,总比不投诉的好。
        • 我一直就说我们运气好,一下就越过chair找了dean. 而且在他这级就把问题解决了. 不过因为知道chair之前不作为,我心里是做了要打硬仗的准备的.如果真碰上dean也不作为,偶是豁出去要再见上一级的.
          俺做事出发点很简单,既然决定要做了,就尽自己最大力做到自己满意吧. 也没有认为自己的letter写得好,现在读起来也好多错误. 唯一满意的是我觉得我们的投诉有力度是因为抓住她的要害,上升到职业操守的高度,我认为那是做为教职人员的底线, 学院最基本的mission, 一个chair 可以包庇,我不相信整个学院可以漠视.
          • 私立学校只是一个生意而已,要说职业操守,能赚到钱是硬道理,没什么教职人员教学育人那一套。很多老师也都是contractor。
            • 我可没指望这样的老师能育人,投诉的出发点就是认为我是一个pay了钱的customer, 她是拿了薪水要提供service的雇员(是不是contractor与我无关),学校就是打开门做生意的公司.我付了钱得不到相关的服务不说,还要受她的歧视,放在哪个公司我都要投诉.

              还是那句,至于仗只打到dean这一级就结束了,确实是我们够lucky,省下咱很多时间. 就算仗一定要打到ombudsperson, 咱也要奉陪.
              • 有勇有谋,天公作美
          • 不爽就投诉是正确的,早投诉早好,有理有据,不是完美的表达不过还算严谨而且全面完整兼切题。能有八个签名本身就说明问题的严重性。好像在温哥华征集到8个提名都可以选市长了。keep up the good work.
          • Please accept my respect. Honour you if I have the right.
      • good job! well done.
      • 哈哈,我们也成功投诉过我们的老师, 不过那个老师确实太差了, 联我们的本地同学一起投诉,最后这个老师也被炒掉了。所以我们自己的权益一定要争取,不要认为我们语言不好。
      • 好人哪.
    • 对!支持! 但是等续等的好着急。
    • 这才是在北美做事的正确的方式,只有这样,才有可能最大保护自己的利益。建议斑竹收入进经典文章,以便后来人借鉴。我们不是惩罚任何人,我们是在保护我们自己。你不保护你自己,谁会来保护你??? 政府?法律?他们都是混蛋,他们仅仅保护他们自己。
    • 精彩。后面的总结尤其有用!
    • Can you post full complain letter as a template, thanks for sharing.
    • 水平有限,象楼上同学说的,很多表达不一定都到位,做模版俺还没到那个水平,但凡如果对大家有一点帮助,我也就贴在这里供参考吧.信有点长,很多地方不够简洁,大家将就着看吧.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Chairperson:

      We are writing to express our strong dissatisfaction with the CCC Program and the instructor Ms. XXX at your School. As full time students of CCC program of 200Z (Winter), we wish to draw your attention to the problems we are experiencing and suffering.

      Ms. XXX is our instructor of Course A and Course B, two core courses of CCC program. All of us joined this program with strong desire to learn knowledge and skills related to this course. We spent a great deal of our energy and time on study. But, unfortunately, so far we cannot get any improvement in these main courses and what we got is just discouragement and unfair treatment in her class. We would like to summarize our main discontentment about Ms. Xxx and the courses:

      1. Ms. XXX didn't make full use of the class time and facilities in class. Many times she just gave us an assignment in the class, which we could finish in half an hour. Then we could leave after doing that. Both of Course A and Course B always finished 30 to 60 minutes earlier than the schedule. We would assume that most of the students are ahead of the requirements and schedules; otherwise, it’s just not reasonable to be dismissed without further lecture and guidance early. What she did is just testing us and giving us assignments and simply putting a mark on those tests without more detail feedback, but teaches us very little about how to improve. Furthermore, we only used our headsets twice in the lab so far, with a TOTAL time less than half an hour. All the students cannot understand why the school requested us to spend $180 to buy such an expensive headset if we rarely use it in this term, because most of us don’t even know whether we can continue this course on next term or not. We have to say that this really brings a negative impact to the school. On Mar 24, Ms. XXX only handed out the paper of email practice we did in last class and then asked the students: “If you have questions about writing an E-mail, then you can stay here to ask me. Otherwise, you can leave now.” Finally, nearly 90% students left the classroom right away. The class began at 10:30am, but it was already dismissed at 11:00am. We are strongly unsatisfied with this irresponsible teaching. We paid heavy tuition and tremendous amount of effort, not to expect to be gathered together in a classroom to write some assignment without more guidance, and often to be discouraged and unfairly treated, which would be discussed later.

      2. Ms. XXX didn’t give us a clear instruction of requirements and standards to pass Course B. By now, we have finished two tape assignments and one impromptu speech. After she gave us the first tape back, she didn’t instruct us what her standard for a good tape or speech is. What we need from the instructor is not only just one comment “You need to practice more”. We need to know how to make speech clear, how to deliver a smile voice, how to make it better. When some students request her to give us a good example, she just simply ignored the request. Regarding good speech and how to speak with smile voice, although we are never clarified about Ms. Xxx’s standard, we are certain that her negative tone and lacking of interest/effort to fulfill her duty do not qualify for that category.

      3. Ms. Xxx is sometimes unreasonably tough on students and always presents herself with an authoritarian attitude in the class. The clock in the lab is about 6 minutes ahead of the actual time. We knew that after a student got a lesson from this. We do log in and out on actual time. But she insisted it is late if we don’t follow the wrong clock in the lab. A student wanted to explain to her, but she didn't listen to him at all, just answered “The system says you are late for 30 seconds, then you are!” Finally this student lost the attendance mark on that time. We do feel it is so unfair for all of us. Why can’t she just try to adjust a wrong clock in the lab but force all of us obey her own rule? But on March 25, she was late for the class Course B even for half an hour. Then she asked us to wait for another half an hour to let her set the e-mail assignment to us. After we finished the E-mail, the class was just dismissed. Does she have the special right being late? Shouldn't she be prepared well for the class before she steps into the classroom? It is so easy to prepare the e-mail assignment in her draft mailbox in advance. Why can’t she manage her time well and give us chance to learn more in class? Our students’ time is just not precious? Can she be so captious to the students but just not to herself? Furthermore, when students talked with her, she always wants to show her power and authority. On Mar 26, a student wanted to talk with her about the tape assignment #2. When she told Ms. Xxx that she asked some help from other people before she handed in this tape and she could not understand why she still receives a low mark despite her extra effort compared to her assignment #1. The student just wanted a concrete and detail feedback so that she could improve it. But Ms. Xxx gave such an answer with arrogance: “WHO IS THE TEACHER?” She even said, “If you are unsatisfied with the mark, you can talk with the chair.” We consider ourselves paid customers for the program, and we expect reasonable service – the opportunity to learn and minimum respect in return. We cannot believe that this is just the instructor of CCC program, which is supposed to teach us how to satisfy customers and solve conflicts. We cannot see that Ms. XXX offers required understanding and respect for all students instead of showing her power and authority in front of us. Incidents like those really show Ms. xxx’s attitude towards her students and responsibilities. We do question her qualification as a teacher and basic respect to her profession and other people.

      4. Ms. XXX prejudges the ESL students and treats them unfairly. Since we joined this program, Ms. XXX has continually made inappropriate comments and statements towards ESL students in her classes, such as “ESL students do this”, “ESL students do have the problems like this…” We have to ask the department: Is C college an ESL school or is this an ESL program so that she needs to mention ESL in every class? Is that the manner a qualified teacher in Canada should speak? Does the school grant Ms. xxx the right to prejudge and offend all ESL students? At the time ESL students were enrolled in this program, nobody told us that we are not qualified for this program. On the contrary, the coordinator told us that we CAN learn much in this program and we CAN improve our communication skills throughout this course. But what did we obtain from Ms. XXX’s lecture? Instead of helping us improve our communication skills what program needs, we’ve only received a series of tests and assignments in course B with little preparation, guidance, standard, or suggestion. On top of lacking of “teaching”, the only feedback we constantly received was “You may fail due to your spoken English and I don't think you can get a job in this field”. Since the first class, ESL students were singled out that we have the highest possibility to fail in this course because our spoken English. If we weren’t qualified to this program, why was there no admission assessment on oral English? Why were we misled in this program? We would assume that Ms. xxx was not taken away the opportunity to oppose enrollment of ESL students from the school. If that was not the case, we are greatly troubled with Ms. xxx’s attitude and approach to ESL students. Moreover, Ms. xxx put the last Oral projects and Telephone Interview an astonishing high percentage of total mark, which is 65%. From our previous long time education background, we would feel safe to assume that the importance of certain knowledge is proportional to the coverage of lecture, exercises and tests. For something possesses 65% of the total mark, we can simply not understand why Ms. xxx will only spend the last two weeks before final exam to teach it! Total time for learning telephone interview will be less than 5 hours. Furthermore, we only used our headsets twice in the lab so far, with a TOTAL time less than half an hour. Throughout the whole course, we were never offered a standard, which we should achieve, or a single concrete recommendation to help us improve, even after the “bad” result of the first quiz. The explanation would either be Ms. xxx’s failure to correlate the lecture, exercise and tests in the course, or her intention/prejudice to fail us even prior to evaluation, which is a heavy accusation for a teacher we are not willing to conclude. In our humble opinions, her oral assignments evaluation system is NOT OBJECTIVE. Because we were not clarified of the goal/standard before the assignment, and we were not demonstrated of the reason for our low marks, and certainly we were not enlightened with constructive suggestion for improvement. We would raise a reasonable doubt of the course B, is it just based on personal favor or subjective impression of the instructor? Is instructor’s personal opinion of whether we could get a job in this field in the future, decisive enough to fail the students? In fact, there are at least four ESL students in our class worked or are now working for Canadian companies, one of them even worked for IBM before. We believe those facts are strong enough to prove that Ms. XXX’s judgment can be well off target. In addition, none of us has ever experienced a single teacher who told her/his students that they would not be able to find a job. But Ms. XXX has the courage to determine our failure in job seeking. The impression we could gain from her words in many occasions is that “I think you cannot get a job in this field because of your spoken English, so you will be failed.” The logic is certainly flawed, the opinion is biased, and the action is not acceptable. All of the ESL students strongly oppose this prejudice and unfair treatment from Ms. xxx, and we demand a prompt explanation and appropriate action.

      In every course guideline, regarding Human Rights, it is written that “It is the policy of the College that all programs will strive for a learning, teaching and work environment that promotes inclusion, understanding and respect for all students and employees, consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the College’s Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures.” As paid students, who spent great efforts and time on and off the course to study, want an acceptable learning environment and fair treatment. We respect all faculty members, school staffs, and fellow students, and we certainly request to be respected mutually as well.

      All of us are looking forward to your prompt response and an acceptable solution of our complaints. We do know that the students enrolled in last semester also filed complaint to the school, but by now they haven’t received a final solution. If we cannot obtain a responsible reply from the department, we will definitely seek help from elsewhere, such as the school board, board of education, even government, or media.

      Thank you for your valuable time and we are looking forward to your prompt action.


      Students of YYY Program更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thanks for sharing.
    • admire deeply, I mean it. hope to learn from you guys.