

Canadian citizen needs sponsorship from employer. You are in the US because the employer sponsers you. You do not have right to work for arbitrary employer. A Canadian citizen is the same as Chinese citizen in US, except different visa category.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 请问,加拿大公民,申请美国工作的时候,Are you eligible to work in the US? 选择哪一项呢?would require sponsorship 还是may work for any employer, yes 肯定是不对的吧?谢谢
    • Yes you are eligible to work for any employer in the states if you are Canadian citizen. you are not if your are only permanent resident of Canada
      • 谢谢,那就是说不需要sponsorship了,选择那个may work for any employer 一项,但是也不能选yes一项是吧?
        • You should say "Yes" to " Are you eligible to work in the US ?" definitely
    • Canadian citizen needs sponsorship from employer. You are in the US because the employer sponsers you. You do not have right to work for arbitrary employer. A Canadian citizen is the same as Chinese citizen in US, except different visa category.
      • 这个TN 比H1B要简单很多,就当没有sponsorship吧
      • i am confused, so i still need to select "would require sponsorship" , not "may work for any employer"? but what's the difference between "yes" and "may work for any employer"? Thanks.
        • 很多加拿大人骗美国老板, 结果过去后老板拒绝给办绿卡, 说“你不是不需要SPONSORSHIP嘛”
          • 你为什么说我们骗老板那?加拿大公民在美国工作根本就不需要任何签证,因为有北美自由贸易协议作保证。至于老板是否愿意资助你的绿卡申请,是另外一回事情
            • 加拿大公民在美国工作根本就不需要任何签证? 胡扯,你要说签证是指护照上的那张不干胶,那还勉强算你对,加拿大人虽然不需要那张不干胶,但是需要申请签证身份才可以合法工作。美国是个外国,别忘了
              • 你拿到的是TN Status, 不是TN visa。
          • 你必须通过公司去办H1B, L1, O1, 所以需要公司的sponsorship. 任何人都可以申请绿卡,并不一定要公司给你办,跟sponsorship无关,所以不能说是骗。
        • 个人经验,一定要选may work for any employer (我就是这么选的)。如果选require sponsorship,有很大几率HR看都不看就把你pass了。
          我的理解(不一定对),H1B申请,公司要交几千块钱给政府,而TN,公司只需一封offer letter, 你只要在入境时交几十刀手续费, 不是法律意义上的sponsorship。