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Should I believe my dentist? After the regular examination and cleaning, she told me that I have very bad teeth because my gum and teeth bones are in bad shape.

She said from now on, I have to see her once three months if I want to save my teeth.

I feel nervous, and do not know if I should trust her. I know my teeth are not very good. Genetically, my grandparents lost their teeth when they got old. I don't mind lose mine when I am getting old, because that's the genetic fate which I cannot escape.

But the dentist made me feel that my teeth will be gone for the coming several months, and this worries me.

Does she exaggerate my situation? What should I do?


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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Should I believe my dentist? After the regular examination and cleaning, she told me that I have very bad teeth because my gum and teeth bones are in bad shape.
    She said from now on, I have to see her once three months if I want to save my teeth.

    I feel nervous, and do not know if I should trust her. I know my teeth are not very good. Genetically, my grandparents lost their teeth when they got old. I don't mind lose mine when I am getting old, because that's the genetic fate which I cannot escape.

    But the dentist made me feel that my teeth will be gone for the coming several months, and this worries me.

    Does she exaggerate my situation? What should I do?

    • And could anyone here recommend a good dental insurance plan? Thanks.
      • Nobody here could give me any suggestion?
        • I think she is not the only dentist in the world.
      • You think insurance companies are stupid?
      • good dental plan is ususlly the group plan provided through your employment. If you don't have dental coverage thru your employer, it may be quite costly (high premium) for you to enroll in a private dental plan.
        • I am in a group dental plan, but its coverage is limited, so I am thinking of changing to a better one next year.
          • you mean you will upgrade your coverage in that plan if possible, such as making extra payroll deduction to opt for extra coverage. But often the services covered are set already.
            • Yeah. I don't know anyone here has to do cleaning once every three months,which is what my dentist suggests to my surprise.
              • sounds a bit too frequent, once or twice a year more reasonable
                • No other choice but to go for it. Teeth are the window of my soul. :)
    • I have same problem, my gum specialist told me that I have to clean teeth every 3 week from August, today gum specialist checked my teeth again and it got better now
      I have same problem, my gum specialist told me that I have to clean teeth every 3 week from August, today gum specialist checked my teeth again and it got better now, however my up front 3 teeth are loosing, especially one of them was so bad, he said that if this one is gone then probably the other 3 will go as well, he suggested a surgery to glue up front 6 teeth together .
      • Thanks for sharing your experiences. Mine seems slightly than yours. I start to use floss ( I hate it very much, but now I have to), rush my teeth and use warm salty water to rinse my mouth,
        and now my gum does not bleed any more while I brush my teeth, which is a good sign.

        I do not like to do cleaning once three months. I do not have much time, meanwhile I really hate the 2-hour-or-so cleaning time, which is a real torture to me.
        • 牙周病患者每三个月洗一次牙是最基本的治疗,你的牙医没有骗你,他会每次测一下你的Pocket(牙袋)深度,如果需要的话,他还会做深度刮牙结石(Root planning),每天早晚刷牙,晚上用牙线是你必做的功课,真等牙掉了,就什么都来不及了。
          • Thanks. I will follow my dentist, then. No other choice. What is the English name of 牙周病?
            • Periodontal (Gum) Diseases.普及一下牙周病常识:
              • Thank you very very much, and I have already bookmarked your link. I think mine is due to genetics,
                Research proves that up to 30% of the population may be genetically susceptible to gum disease. Despite aggressive oral care habits, these people may be six times more likely to develop periodontal disease. Identifying these people with a genetic test before they even show signs of the disease and getting them into early interventive treatment may help them keep their teeth for a lifetime.

                because my mother and her mother both have the problems.
              • My dentist asked me to do cleaning once every three months, which will cause me more than $ 150, and cannot be covered by my insurance. Well, if I got to do it, I got to go it, no choice.
              • First, I thought my dentist just wanted to make money by exaggerating, and now I totally believe her and follow it through, thanks to you. Wish you a great holiday there.
    • She is right.