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My limited knowledge about Canadian pharmaceutical industry.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛My knowledge about Canadian pharmaceutical industry is limited. So please consider this information just as a reference.

It seems there is a few R&D work in Canada. Almost of R&D are conducted by American companies. I just connected a guy who graduated from McGill. He told me that he worked for an American company on clone for two years. See, even native Canadian just can work for USA.

In last summer, I have visited some professors from different unversities. All of them claimed that they had some bio-engineering research works.

UoT: emphasizes on bio-material. Their website is outdated. Some professors denied they are working in biotech. The only professor who worked on bacteria was interested in metabolism process. (Personaly, I do not like arrogance of UoT)

Queens: It said there were three professor working on Bio-chemical engineering. But I couldn't find opportunity to talk with them.

McMaster: There are two professors working on bio. "One will retire soon. Another is young and lacks experience" This was what a professor of Mc told me.

As I know, Waterloo has a Bio-chemical Engineering Research Center. I have met the chairman -- Moori Muyoung ( you can check the correct spelling from their webpage) in Beijing in 1997. My boss told me that this guy has bias to Chinese even he has some Chinese bloodline.

My investigation is limited in Department of Chemical Engeering . You can try other departments. In Canada, environment remedy uses extensive biotech.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / I have some experience of Pharmaceutical Industry
      • 制药工业, 我猜
    • come on baby
    • 对,就是制药业。不过这一行,除非你有北美制药专业的学历,否则很难进入的。
      • can a training(10months)diploma work?such as Toronto institute of pharmaceutical technology
        • 那只不过是写辅助性的工作,比如QA之类的。在那里你无法学到真正制药的精髓
          • 制药里面QA很重要啦,应该不算辅助性的工作吧?
            • what does QA mean ? thanks
              • Quality Assurance
            • Personally, I prefer to do some research works about pharmaceutics. But you know, in China, there is not enough fund to support this kind of research.
    • How much opportunity do you think to work in a pharmaceutical industry for the biochemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry graduates? And what are the differences between Masters and PHDs(Canadian degree)?
      • are you a master of pharmaceutical chemistry .have you found a job in ca?
        • In fact, my major is Biochemical Engineering. But I worked as programmer & circuits designer in China. Now I am unemployed. But I am still interested in Biotech, and like to discuss this topic with you.
      • If possible, avoid to be a scientist. There are few opportunities for scientists. If you like R&D, USA is the only choice.
        In China, both Master & Ph.D are called graduate student. We have not clear distinction between them. For example, in my university, 10% undergraduate students go to USA directly; 50% pursue Master degree then go to USA; the next 30% will be Ph.D, but they will deliberately get a very low score on some courses such as Philosophy, Socialism Economics, then they can transfer to Master, then go to USA. That's a very ridiculous phenomena in China.

        But in North America, Master is not quite different from Bachelor. You just need take more courses, even thesis is unnecessay. But the criteria of Ph.D is very strict. Ph.D. really needs new point of view to the world.
        • I am applying my master degree on Pharmaceutical Microbiology. If you choose this area, you had better get PHD, I think.
          • Interesting. I have spent 4 years on pharmaceutical microbiology. Your suggestion is correct. In scientific field, a Ph.D. title is much better than Master.
            • I have reviewed your files carefully. It's pity that you have changed the subject . However, i think it is good choice for you.
              Now i am applying my master degree on biotechnology. It's my plan that i will find a job in Pharmaceutical industry in the future. Please give me some advice. Thank you so much!
              • My limited knowledge about Canadian pharmaceutical industry.
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛My knowledge about Canadian pharmaceutical industry is limited. So please consider this information just as a reference.

                It seems there is a few R&D work in Canada. Almost of R&D are conducted by American companies. I just connected a guy who graduated from McGill. He told me that he worked for an American company on clone for two years. See, even native Canadian just can work for USA.

                In last summer, I have visited some professors from different unversities. All of them claimed that they had some bio-engineering research works.

                UoT: emphasizes on bio-material. Their website is outdated. Some professors denied they are working in biotech. The only professor who worked on bacteria was interested in metabolism process. (Personaly, I do not like arrogance of UoT)

                Queens: It said there were three professor working on Bio-chemical engineering. But I couldn't find opportunity to talk with them.

                McMaster: There are two professors working on bio. "One will retire soon. Another is young and lacks experience" This was what a professor of Mc told me.

                As I know, Waterloo has a Bio-chemical Engineering Research Center. I have met the chairman -- Moori Muyoung ( you can check the correct spelling from their webpage) in Beijing in 1997. My boss told me that this guy has bias to Chinese even he has some Chinese bloodline.

                My investigation is limited in Department of Chemical Engeering . You can try other departments. In Canada, environment remedy uses extensive biotech.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • Hi, David. Your major was biochemical engineer, spent 4 years in pharmaceutical microbiology, worked as a programmer in China, and prefer to doing some research in pharmaceutics. It's just incredible. So, how much experience do you have in each area?
              • I have a multi-processors system. So I can work in Biotech & Computer programming at the same time. BTW, my experience about Pharmaceutics is limited. My research is focused on bioreaction process.
              • Simon, could you tell me your opinion about Pharmaceutical Industry in Canada?