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A Doc's Perspective--Re: 红枫叶: 是我太敏感了....

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I must admit Dr. Yuen is a bit rude and unprofessional. Clinic office is a funny place. It is random unpredictable pace of time flow. I can tell you that every doc I know want to be on time, and nobody want to make any patient wait if all-possible. But this goal can only be achieved with the support from all patients. All we need is ONE patient to hold up the time, then, everyone after this patient will have to wait longer and longer, as the doc is only going to fall behind even more so with his appointment schedule as his/her day progresses. I can truly testify that it is always on the busiest day, when a really sick patient comes in with a medical problem which takes a lot longer than 10 minutes to deal with. That is Murphy’s Law. Last time I was falling behind schedule: a patient suppose to see me for a minor illness, suddenly started talking about her depression and suicidal thoughts, that “chat” to comfort her “cost” me an entire HOUR of delay on that day’s schedule! Be late on schedule is a necessary evil in any medical office. Just think about if you were the unfortunate person on that day that need more time from your doc, and there are going to be 20 patients behind you on the schedule. To me, if a medical office that NEVER has delays are NOT a medical office. That all be said, it is the usual practice for any doc to focus ONLY on 1-2 problems for each patient’s visit. I don’t think it is realistic to expect your doc to address a long list of your concerns on one single visit. Like I said earlier, it takes two to tango. Both docs and patients need show flexibility with each other, when time management is an issue.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net