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this drug is SO new, there are not enough data to support its widespread use, i personally would not give patients this one, here are some data i fond for you:....

Teratogenic effects: Pregnancy Category C. Telithromycin was not teratogenic in the rat or rabbit. Reproduction studies have been performed in rats and rabbits, with effect on pre-post natal development studied in the rat. At doses estimated to be 1.8 times (900 mg/m2) and 0.49 times (240 mg/m2) the daily human dose of 800 mg (492 mg/m2) in the rat and rabbit, respectively, no evidence of fetal terata was found. At doses higher than the 900 mg/m2 and 240 mg/m2 in rats and rabbits, respectively, maternal toxicity may have resulted in delayed fetal maturation. No adverse effects on prenatal and postnatal development of rat pups were observed at 1.5 times (750 mg/m2/d) the daily human dose.

There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Telithromycin should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 请问G35医者父母心:my husband and i are planing to have a baby.
    but i got cold and sore throat this week. so i took antibiotic for five days and 6 tabs CONTAC. now i am almost recover. i just wanna know if it is safe to try for a baby this month. thanks in advance
    • it is BEST not to take any medications if you are trying to conceive. but i don't think the risks of your antiboitics/Contac are significant in this case, depend on what antibiotic you took.
      • what i am taking is Ketek, It is a new medicine and generic name is Telithromycin. thank you
        • this drug is SO new, there are not enough data to support its widespread use, i personally would not give patients this one, here are some data i fond for you:....
          Teratogenic effects: Pregnancy Category C. Telithromycin was not teratogenic in the rat or rabbit. Reproduction studies have been performed in rats and rabbits, with effect on pre-post natal development studied in the rat. At doses estimated to be 1.8 times (900 mg/m2) and 0.49 times (240 mg/m2) the daily human dose of 800 mg (492 mg/m2) in the rat and rabbit, respectively, no evidence of fetal terata was found. At doses higher than the 900 mg/m2 and 240 mg/m2 in rats and rabbits, respectively, maternal toxicity may have resulted in delayed fetal maturation. No adverse effects on prenatal and postnatal development of rat pups were observed at 1.5 times (750 mg/m2/d) the daily human dose.

          There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Telithromycin should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.
          • so are there antibiotics showing teratogenic effects. can u give me examples. i was just wandering how these drugs affect natal development. just for my curiosity. thanks
            • safest antibiotic to take during pregnancy is Amoxil, everything else should be avoided if all possible, that is how i practice, other physicians may not agree :p
              • Looks like I am the only one agree with you. next coffee is on you. :P