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本人父亲在本地医院接受X-ray检查, 得到一份report. 因本人英文水平有限, 敬请学医的DX们帮助翻译下列原文:
" There is evidence of a few ill defined faint desities most prominent at the right mid lung laterally and in the right upper lobe. There are also minimal fibrotic changes at the apices more on the right than the left. The finding are highly suggestive of old granulomatous disease. The lungs and the pleural spaces are otherwise clear of active disease."

如可能, 再稍微解释一下,情况是否严重?!


Wei Zhang

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 敬请DX们翻译一小段医疗报告...
    本人父亲在本地医院接受X-ray检查, 得到一份report. 因本人英文水平有限, 敬请学医的DX们帮助翻译下列原文:
    " There is evidence of a few ill defined faint desities most prominent at the right mid lung laterally and in the right upper lobe. There are also minimal fibrotic changes at the apices more on the right than the left. The finding are highly suggestive of old granulomatous disease. The lungs and the pleural spaces are otherwise clear of active disease."

    如可能, 再稍微解释一下,情况是否严重?!


    Wei Zhang
    • 不是学医的,大概翻一下,基本上说是确证你父亲原来患有较罕见的“原发性慢性肉芽肿病”,但是现在无活性病变。
      • 报告并没有说是原发性的
        • 什么是原发性?
    • 我的医用中文术语不行,大致意思是
      右肺中叶外侧和上叶有些轮廓不很清晰的密度增加,另外右肺尖有轻微纤维化。最有可能的是以前的肉芽肿病变(granuloma)。 目前没有活性病变。(granuloma的成因很多,比如风湿病,肺结核,异物,原发性的少见,原报告中也没有说是原发性的,不太可能是。)
      • 罐美人是医生,楼主应该以她的意见为准:)
      • 专业
    • nothing important. Old persons always have some abnormalities, such as light fibrotic changes, especially the smokers. In canada, it never sees the totally normal reports as that in China.