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terrible canada OHIP experiences

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛last wednesday ...17th. got fever, didnt go to doctor as my boyfriend just had one. So i just take some pills.
fever went down on Thursday 18th.
got heavy store throat on friday 19th. no fever, didnt pay much attention. use advil.
on saturday evening 20th, it gone worth. took some pills, but the ear start to feel pain also. use advil.
went to clinic on sunday morning 21th, got swab test. been told if its bacteria will be called on monday. otherwise, its virus or mono, no medicine can help. took 牛黄解毒片。have to use advil to kill pain
monday 22th, feel bad, the left side throat swollen and covered 1/4 of the throat, very painful, difficult to eat. went to clinic in the afternoon again, check the swab test result, been told report has been sent. probably be ok. want to get a blood test. but the doctor said if the blood test said virus or mono, no medicine either. just went back home. took my own anti-biotic...not so strong one. and went to take a blood test.
tuesday 23th, even more worse. the swollen part covered half of the throat, can not eat and drink. drink some water but gone to nose....disaster. went to north york general in the evening. took the blood test again. got IV as dehydrated...nightmare. wait got result...been told strep throat....because of bacteria. such useless doctor....my god... waste me two days. got penicilline finally. need to take 10 days.
wednesday again 24th. not much improvement. just wait the penicilline work in 2 days. sigh~~ too much advil~~

if its in china, already got penicilline injection. the pills work so slow. what do the doctors think?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / terrible canada OHIP experiences
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛last wednesday ...17th. got fever, didnt go to doctor as my boyfriend just had one. So i just take some pills.
    fever went down on Thursday 18th.
    got heavy store throat on friday 19th. no fever, didnt pay much attention. use advil.
    on saturday evening 20th, it gone worth. took some pills, but the ear start to feel pain also. use advil.
    went to clinic on sunday morning 21th, got swab test. been told if its bacteria will be called on monday. otherwise, its virus or mono, no medicine can help. took 牛黄解毒片。have to use advil to kill pain
    monday 22th, feel bad, the left side throat swollen and covered 1/4 of the throat, very painful, difficult to eat. went to clinic in the afternoon again, check the swab test result, been told report has been sent. probably be ok. want to get a blood test. but the doctor said if the blood test said virus or mono, no medicine either. just went back home. took my own anti-biotic...not so strong one. and went to take a blood test.
    tuesday 23th, even more worse. the swollen part covered half of the throat, can not eat and drink. drink some water but gone to nose....disaster. went to north york general in the evening. took the blood test again. got IV as dehydrated...nightmare. wait got result...been told strep throat....because of bacteria. such useless doctor....my god... waste me two days. got penicilline finally. need to take 10 days.
    wednesday again 24th. not much improvement. just wait the penicilline work in 2 days. sigh~~ too much advil~~

    if its in china, already got penicilline injection. the pills work so slow. what do the doctors think?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 他们会说, 你是过敏.... 11, 我现在看医生他就说我过敏, 什么都过敏, 胳膊扭伤就开止疼药. 我现在是医生过敏, 看都懒得去看他...他们就是蛋求5过呀
    • terrible canada chinglish experience: sore throat, worse, much worse, partly,... 时态语态和大小写就不一一纠正了。这里的医生比较死板,不敢承担责任,是一代代传下来的结果,同情……
    • at most this is just one bad experience with your family doctor, don't exaggerate your topic to OHIP in general