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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛What about children?

Some children and youth are also at risk of serious complications from influenza. As of September, 2004, The Canadian Paediatric Society recommends universal funding of a yearly influenza vaccination for the following children:

1,Healthy children between the ages of six and 23 months of age;
2,Children with chronic cardiac and pulmonary disorders (including bronchopulmonary dysplasia, cystic fibrosis, and asthma) severe enough to require regular medical follow-up or hospitalization;
3,Children who are immunosuppressed due to congenital or acquired immunodeficiency secondary to underlying disease and/or therapy;
4,Children with renal disease;
5,Children with anemia or hemoglobinopathy;
6,Children with conditions requiring treatment for long periods with acetylsalicylic acid;
7,Children with other chronic conditions, such as diabetes and other metabolic diseases that put them at increased risk;
8,Children residing in chronic care facilities;
9,Children who are household contacts of children or adults for whom the influenza vaccine is recommended, including household contacts of healthy children six to 23 months of age; and
10,Children who are household contacts of children younger than six months of age, as the latter are at risk of hospitalization but are too young to be vaccinated with current vaccines.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 我9月从北京来,有个6岁的孩子,请问有必要给孩子打流感疫苗吗?
    • 我觉得该打.又没有什么副作用,干嘛不打让孩子去冒得流感的风险呢?
      • 有的医生不建议打,说会降低自身抵抗力。犹豫中。
    • 6岁健康孩子自身免疫力较强,可以不打。以下情况是流感疫苗重点:
      The vaccine is strongly recommended and will be provided FREE if you are:
      65 years or older
      a child or adult with a chronic medical condition
      living with a senior
      living with someone with a chronic medical condition
      a health care worker
      an emergency responder (paramedic, fire fighter, police, etc.)
      a healthy child 6-23 months of age
      a household contact or child care provider of children 0-23 months of age
      working with live poultry
      a pregnant woman in the last 3 months of pregnancy
      • 请问一年打一年不大, 是不是反而不好?
        去年因为担心sars, 给小孩打了, 今年就不太想打了。 孩子平时很健康。 ( - knock wood :) )
        • 每一年的疫苗都是流行病专家根据对这一年的流感病毒流行趋势预测设计的,理论有效期一年,隔一两年不打,不会影响接受新疫苗。
          • 我的孩子很健康,但我担心学校里会交叉传染。我的CARE CARD等候期还没过,但买了临时医疗保险,如果要打疫苗,保险公司会COVER吗?
            • 不会。即使是你有care card,健康大孩子的flu shot也要自费。在BC省只有我上面提及的人员可以免费获得疫苗。对有care card的居民来说,BC的健保网站上也是这样写的:
              If you do not meet the above criteria, you can contact your family physician to purchase the vaccine.

              When you go for your flu shot, remember to bring your Care Card and please wear short sleeves.
    • 借此宣传一下一定要注射流感疫苗的孩子,摘自官方健保网络,祝各位宝宝健康
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛What about children?

      Some children and youth are also at risk of serious complications from influenza. As of September, 2004, The Canadian Paediatric Society recommends universal funding of a yearly influenza vaccination for the following children:

      1,Healthy children between the ages of six and 23 months of age;
      2,Children with chronic cardiac and pulmonary disorders (including bronchopulmonary dysplasia, cystic fibrosis, and asthma) severe enough to require regular medical follow-up or hospitalization;
      3,Children who are immunosuppressed due to congenital or acquired immunodeficiency secondary to underlying disease and/or therapy;
      4,Children with renal disease;
      5,Children with anemia or hemoglobinopathy;
      6,Children with conditions requiring treatment for long periods with acetylsalicylic acid;
      7,Children with other chronic conditions, such as diabetes and other metabolic diseases that put them at increased risk;
      8,Children residing in chronic care facilities;
      9,Children who are household contacts of children or adults for whom the influenza vaccine is recommended, including household contacts of healthy children six to 23 months of age; and
      10,Children who are household contacts of children younger than six months of age, as the latter are at risk of hospitalization but are too young to be vaccinated with current vaccines.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net