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多谢多谢 就是这个课程,

Pro-Actor Core Essentials 1 On-Camera Acting Skills and Training https://vadastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/PACE-1-Edit.mp4PACE 1 stands for Pro Actor Core Essentials 1. PACE 1 is an Intro to Acting class for beginners (or those with a theatre background who are looking to cross over into film and television). This class introduces actors to the professional level of on-camera acting.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 祝福我吧,我的表演班要开课了 +4
    • 有努力就要收获
    • 马到成功👍 +2
      • 多谢多谢 就是这个课程, +3
        Pro-Actor Core Essentials 1 On-Camera Acting Skills and Training https://vadastudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/PACE-1-Edit.mp4PACE 1 stands for Pro Actor Core Essentials 1. PACE 1 is an Intro to Acting class for beginners (or those with a theatre background who are looking to cross over into film and television). This class introduces actors to the professional level of on-camera acting.
    • 然后去动物园扮演大猩猩? +5
      • 学你我可学不像,要么你认真教教我?你负责教,我负责蕉 +1
        • 那得加钱 +2
          • 一言为定,反正一磅1刀6毛9 +1
      • 大猩猩size不适合。一般都是200多磅。 +2
        • 没错,您来的好巧,这回可找到SIZE了 +1
    • 争取当导演,要做就做上游,可以潜规则下游。 +1
      • 哈哈哈,👍 +1
    • 祝事业顺利 +2
      • 多谢鼓励,我的事业遇到瓶颈了,需要更大的拼劲方能有突破,混日子只能嘴上说说,活到老,学到老,干到老,生命不息,冲锋不止,一旦躺平,哪怕有这种念头,我知道我就真的完蛋了
    • 是为了拍电影电视,还是YouTube自媒体?无论哪一项,预祝楼主成功。 +2
      • 我要竞选。。。