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⭐️Bill Maher: COVID “Experts” Got It Wrong ⭐️⭐️Suppressed and ridiculed opinions proven to be CORRECT.⭐️This includes, but is not limited to: • COVID came from a lab • Ivermectin worked • Long COVID is often a symptom of long vax

⭐️Bill Maher: COVID “Experts” Got It Wrong ⭐️
⭐️Suppressed and ridiculed opinions proven to be CORRECT.⭐️

This includes, but is not limited to:
• COVID came from a lab
• Ivermectin worked
• Masks offered no benefit and were harmful
• Should have never kept kids out of school
• Natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity
• Long COVID is often a symptom of long vax
• Hospitals murdered COVID patients
• COVID fatality rate and death count were highly inflated
• Unvaccinated were scapegoated for the failure of the shots
• Early treatment was suppressed to make way for a “vaccine”
• Risks of the jab were intentionally hidden from the public
• Vaccine mandates are wrong
• More shots = more risk of infection
• COVID shots are neither safe nor effective


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / ⭐️Bill Maher: COVID “Experts” Got It Wrong ⭐️⭐️Suppressed and ridiculed opinions proven to be CORRECT.⭐️This includes, but is not limited to: • COVID came from a lab • Ivermectin worked • Long COVID is often a symptom of long vax +2

    ⭐️Bill Maher: COVID “Experts” Got It Wrong ⭐️
    ⭐️Suppressed and ridiculed opinions proven to be CORRECT.⭐️

    This includes, but is not limited to:
    • COVID came from a lab
    • Ivermectin worked
    • Masks offered no benefit and were harmful
    • Should have never kept kids out of school
    • Natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity
    • Long COVID is often a symptom of long vax
    • Hospitals murdered COVID patients
    • COVID fatality rate and death count were highly inflated
    • Unvaccinated were scapegoated for the failure of the shots
    • Early treatment was suppressed to make way for a “vaccine”
    • Risks of the jab were intentionally hidden from the public
    • Vaccine mandates are wrong
    • More shots = more risk of infection
    • COVID shots are neither safe nor effective

    • Watched the monologue. Maher said everything right until he talked about Biden and trump. Trump did not force vaccines mandate, Biden did. So we should blame Biden. +1
      • +1